Friday, February 6, 2009

again, all I ever need to know I can learn on the bus


Its Day Five of lemon cleanse hell - have decided that despite dropping 8lbs - food glorious food is calling my name again. That and I can't stand the way my teeth feel on this - fuzzy! I keep brushing but its well,.... not nice. I know I am oozing cayenne pepper out every pore, and my sense of smell is, well, heightened, THIS IS NOT GOOD WHEN YOU RIDE THE BUS.

So HI! I am on the bus, and there is well this dude,... who despite the fact I am waiting in line (first! First in line!) walks right in front on me wearing an ENORMOUS backback I cannot get around him while he procedes to have a long drawn out convo with the bus driver. Ugh,.. bad bad news I am confined in a small place and he, well, reeks. I can smell the cup of coffee he is holding which is sending my caffine deprived brain in to a frenzy. But he smells of other things too,... Like maybe last night's booze fest! EWWWWWW,..... and cologne. This is how apparently you cover up the fact that you are still a little drunk when heading into work. See?!?!?! I told you I learned stuff on the bus everyday. I finally managed to get around him and into a seat only to have him sit next to me! EW!!! Okay so secretly I was, gleeful cause I reek of cayenne pepper! But sadly, I doubt he could smell me over his own stench.

So why do people make cell calls on bus? I love listening in! From my side I get something like this:

"Hey, I'm,... ummmm,... on 550 bus now heading into Bellevue, hey can you google what bus I need to take to get to the office?"
"ummmm,...... yeah?"
"yeah hey yeah the internet? Google? yeah type www-dot-g-o-o-g-l-e"
"ummm,... no , yeah you have to type .com"

Okay - I am gonna guess he *doesn't* work for a tech firm? Or perhaps he has one on those fancy office devices like a breathalyzer before you can get into your cubicle?

Okay - off and running now its time to hit the off key on Friday like hunny hits the acclerator when passing!!!

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